A woman shows us, with a simple experiment, what parents miss by constantly looking at the mobile

Leaving aside the mobile phone to connect with those we love most is an exercise that could require effort on the part of many (judging by the level of addiction that begins to be seen by children, adolescents and adults), but that would give us A valuable lesson.

This is what happened to Brandie Wood, a Californian woman who, after putting into practice a simple experiment, realized all the moments of the life of his children that he was missing for looking at the mobile phone every moment.

But this woman is not the only one who has decided to become aware of this overwhelming and sad reality, because more and more adults decide to use tools to control the time they spend on the Internet and social networks: a time that in most On occasions, we are stopping investing in much more important things.

A simple experiment with results that reflect

The experiment carried out by this mother dates from 2015, but we have found it so simple, and at the same time so revealing, that we have decided to share it with you now.

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Brandie is a mother of twins, and one day she realized that she spent more time looking at her mobile phone than paying attention to her children. So he decided to do a simple experiment: leave the mobile parked and sit next to his children to watch them play, something that Until then I always did but with the phone in my hand.

As on that occasion the cell phone had stayed on the table, Brandie could "connect" with her twins while playing, and was then aware of the number of times her children looked for her with her eyes to show him his games, to ask for approval, to cross complicit glances or simply to find his smile.

"Today I did an experiment: I saw my children play. When I sat quietly in the corner of the room, I counted how many times they looked at me for various reasons: to see if I saw their great tricks, to seek approval or disapproval for what they were doing and to observe my reactions "- he wrote then in his Facebook account, in a post that went viral.

In the time she remained watching her children play, this mother counted a total of 28 moments when children crossed their eyes with her. 28 daily moments that had remained unanswered all that time ago, while she accompanied them during the game but without looking at them, because their attention was fixed on the screen of a mobile.

Disconnect the mobile to connect with our children

Look at the mobile absorbed while your children play around you, or while they eat, or are talking to you. Surely, unfortunately, these scenes are familiar to all of us. And it is that in the society in which we live, in which both the imminent information and the updates on our social networks prevail, it seems difficult to get off the phone.

In Babies and more Disconnect the mobile this summer and connect with your children; for your sake, and for yours But parents are the mirror in which our children are reflected, and if we want children and teenagers engaged, to play and interact freely away from the screens, we must start by setting an example.

More and more are adults aware of this sad reality, who realize that the time they spend browsing the Internet or publishing on social networks is time that they are subtracting from theirs. Time they stop investing in being with their partners, in talking with their teenage children, or in enjoying everyday life, but important moments in the lives of young children.

Let's bet to return to face-to-face conversations, dinners without mobile phones and to share quality time with our children. Sometimes an experiment as simple as this may be necessary to realize reality, but it is never too late to reconnect, don't you think?

Video: What won't father do for a daughter? Things Dads do (July 2024).