I'll tell you, storytelling festival this weekend in Madrid

The stories bring us closer, break borders, make us freer. We want to fill Madrid stories and populate it with dreams.

No doubt the magic of words, in this case heard by the storyteller, captivates adults and children. The Storytelling School invites us to live a story week starting tomorrow, Friday 21, with special sessions for children during the weekend: it is the Festival I tell you about oral narration.

In ten different spaces there will be free workshops and on one occasion they will have interpreters to sign language (in session for adults). These are the children's proposals for Saturday and Sunday:

  • Saturday June 22 at 12 noon at the Rafael Alberti Bookstore. At 17 hours in the Bookstore La Central there is a Workshop for the creation of Pop-Up Books (they are reserved, for children aged six to eleven)

  • Sunday, June 23 at 12 o'clock in the Bookshop Deuenta and at 18 o'clock in the Bookshop El Dragon Dragon.

You know, if you are this weekend in Madrid you can approach these storytelling sessions for children at the oral storytelling festival I tell you. Surely we will also take ideas to be better storytellers for our children and we will be encouraged to put into practice the art of telling a story.

Official Site | School of storytelling In Babies and more | Universal Declaration of the rights of children to listen to stories, The sweetening of modern stories, How to know that we tell you a story well