Check free dental health during pregnancy

We already told you about this campaign a year ago, but as we know that there are new future mothers reading us, we cannot stop recommend that you check your dental health for free during pregnancy in June and July.

In two days the II campaign of Oral Health and Pregnancy promoted by the General Council of Dentists of Spain and to be held throughout Spain between June 1 and July 31. And it is not only gynecological exams that are important at this stage: oral health is more delicate and we must not neglect it.

To participate in this campaign you just have to enter the website of Oral Health and Pregnancy and here locate the nearest dental clinic to our home and make an appointment by phone.

Hormonal changes and the composition of saliva or nausea can lead to risk to the health of the mouth during pregnancy, and a large number of women suffer problems such as pregnancy gingivitis (appears in up to 60-75% of women), periodontal disease ...

That is why it is important to prevent and maintain good oral hygiene, which can be affected during pregnancy by the factors listed above, even because toothpaste may cause nausea to some women.

Some of the basic recommendations to follow are: visit the dentist at least once during pregnancy, preferably in the second trimester; brush your teeth at least three times a day with fluoride toothpaste and rinse with a suitable mouthwash; take healthy foods, avoiding sweets; Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

In short, it is not about scaring but about preventing and raising awareness about the importance of dental checkups during pregnancy. A good opportunity, if we expect a baby, to perform a for free during the months of June and July.