Family breakfasts, better on vacation

Breakfast is a very important meal of the day and therefore not only has to be adequate and nutritionally complete, but we must devote enough time to children's breakfast. Y whenever possible you have to have breakfast with the children, which is easier in vacations, when we have and have more time.

The hurries that are always bad counselors disappear and the moment of breakfast becomes more pleasant, it is a time to share that establishes healthy habits that will remain the rest of the year and throughout life, which does not take away that one day a week we give ourselves a whim ...

Who does not remember chocolate with churros from those summer days, early or a donut in the bar in front of the house? And let's not say if we are lucky enough to be in a hotel, then it is difficult to resist temptations ... But we will return to the routine soon!

We can also take advantage of vacations to prepare some pancakes with jam, a sweet coke ... And cooking with the kids is a very stimulating and fun experience.

Remember that it is recommended that breakfast provide between 20 and 25% of the daily energy intake (It can be divided into two doses, that is, breakfast and lunch in the middle of the morning) but this is difficult to achieve if we are in a hurry at the time of "eliminating fasting" (des-fasting).

At least four different food groups (dairy, cereals, fruit and others such as oil, cooked ham, honey, pastries once a week ...) should be included for a good breakfast. In addition, breakfast should be varied to avoid monotony.

In short, a healthy breakfast is more pleasant shared, without haste and without the worries of schedules or of the work that press us every day during the rest of the year. A good time for chats about dreams, the memories of the previous day and the plans for today ... And you, Do you enjoy family breakfast more on vacation?

Video: Make-ahead FREEZER breakfasts! French toast sticks, egg muffins, buttermilk syrup (July 2024).