Parents believe that technology in the classroom allows children to develop new skills

An IPSOS study for Samsung Electronics Iberia was presented today. It has been conducted among Spanish parents with at least one child between six and 18 years, and has consisted of 1000 online interviews of 10 minutes.

The objective? Get to understand what do parents think about the use of technology in the classroom. In 70 percent, participants believe that incorporating technology is one of the three keys to current education, as it prepares them for the challenges of this century, and helps them to be more responsible for Internet risks.

I would like to introduce that we can consider the (also) so-called emerging technologies applied to education, as part of a more global concept pedagogically speaking: an adequate education to the times, although it is true that the development of the first many times It is not in line with the adoption of new pedagogical models. In any case, it is worth reviewing a post published today by Marcos, to realize that we still have to overcome the idea that developing technology is reduced to having a computer classroom in the classroom

The technology in the classroom

It is being used practically daily according to 20 percent of parents, and 40% state that it is used at least once a week. Four out of ten declare specific uses (less than once a week).

There are also differences between Autonomous Communities: for example in Catalonia the daily use rises to 34 percent, while in Valencia, Galicia and the Canary Islands, less than 15% of respondents state that technology is used daily in children's schools.

As for the devices, It is the PC or laptop with the most presence in the classroom at the moment (above the tablets - 67 percent do not have them in class -); and at home, there are already 16 percent of children who use the tablet to study regularly, compared with 45 percent who do the same with the PC / laptop.

Opinion on the benefits of technology

Parents believe that:

  • It facilitates that the educational contents are more current.
  • It allows children to develop new skills.
  • Enrich and support teachers
  • It allows to maintain a more fluid dialogue between school and home.

Here we can also introduce the perception about the call "Digital Backpack", it is clear that it would greatly reduce the weight of the backpack that they carry to school, and let's not forget that this would favor the prevention of back problems, and reduce spending on books.

It would also encourage Internet search

If you want to know about Samsung's studio, I invite you to take a look. For my part I have to say that digital evolution is underway, and that it would be about approaching models such as the “Bimodal Curriculum”, or in any case other systems with interdisciplinary and interactive content, with collaborative formats, and promoting self-learning. That is, what we come to call a active technology education.

Video: A Japanese Method to Develop Creativity in Kids (July 2024).