There are already 119 municipalities that in our country have the recognition as Child Friendly Cities

The Child Friendly Cities (CAI) program wants to promote and promote the application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the local level, and to promote networking among the municipalities that are part of the initiative.

In Spain, and since the beginning of the program 12 years ago, 119 municipalities are recognized as CAIs, and of all these towns and these cities, 56 have received it for the first time. The hallmark is renewed every four years.

The idea seems to be spreading that administrations and governments develop and implement strategies for the well-being of children, defending their rights, encouraging their participation and making cities “more livable environments, especially for children”.

Among the conditions to become a Child Friendly City is the promotion of children's participation in the spaces reserved for it, support the creation of municipal childhood plans, promote policies for the benefit of children or promote networking among the members of the initiative

During the past month of September, a technical commission visited the different locations, to assess whether their lines of action in relation to childhood and adolescence, adjusted to the requirements. The jury made public yesterday the ruling on this seal that recognizes the work of the Town Halls for the Rights of Children, said jury is formed by UNICEF Spanish Committee, Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and Institute University of Needs and Rights of Children and Adolescents.

In addition to the municipalities that have received the Seal of Recognition of Child Friendly City, The jury has also awarded 36 distinctions of the VII Best Practices Contest, a contest in which exemplary projects or actions are awarded in favor of children and adolescents, carried out by local governments and other public and private entities.

Video: PACFMC and Presentation of the Signed IRR of RA No. 10868 or the Centenarians Act of 2016 (July 2024).