Star Wars snowflake templates for this Christmas

If you are wishing that your son grows up to be able to put the whole series of films in the Saga, if you jump with emotion every time the carnivals arrive and your son has dressed more times than Yoda than you do in Armani, you are in luck, today you we bring these Star Wars snowflake templates for this Christmas. And best of all, FREE and ready to download.

Now you just have to download the PDFs print, fold, cut and stretch to have the best decorated house in all of Tatooine.

For a few years, the designer Anthony Herrera has made a set of "snowflakes" available to make on paper available to anyone who visits your site. This year's are:

You can download them from the following links:

Captain Rex


Han Solo

Jabba The Hutt

Space slug Tie fighter

You can also visit its page and download those from previous years, 2013 and 2012.

And if you have doubts about how to do it, we leave you a video of the process:

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