Why do blue veins look on the pregnant woman's breasts?

It is not always noticeable to the naked eye but it does happen on many occasions: bluish veins stand out on the breasts of the pregnant woman More than usual. But this change in skin appearance during pregnancy is nothing worrisome and has its raison d'être.

The body's blood volume increases during pregnancy and those more visible veins are a sign that the body is preparing for this stage, to respond to the needs of the placenta and the fetus. Some women begin to notice this change in the first trimester while others will do so later and some will not see differences in this regard.

Breasts change during pregnancy in many ways, but it is possible that the appearance of bluish veins in the breasts be more evident in women with light and thin skin. In those pregnant women whose skin is darker or who accumulate enough body fat will be less obvious or will appear later.

At all these blue veins that are seen in the breasts (sometimes also in the belly) are varicose veins (signs of a circulation problem) or spider veins. In the case that we comment on the greater visibility of the veins, it is because during pregnancy, between 20% and 40% more blood is required circulating in the body, a flow higher than usual that causes the veins and arteries to increase size.

The blue veins on the breasts of the pregnant They are also more evident due to breast irrigation in preparation for breastfeeding. This increase in veins is evident especially in the first weeks of breastfeeding once the baby is born. Afterwards, it gradually stabilizes and over time the visibility of these veins decreases.