Does my child have an irrational fear? Common symptoms of childhood phobias

Phobias are irrational, uncontrollable and extreme fears that are triggered by very varied stimuli. Darkness, water, certain insects or animals ... are usually objects of phobias by some children. But, What do childhood phobias have in common? How to differentiate them from a common fear?

Most children experience very common fears throughout different stages of childhood, but they are usually normal fears that disappear with the child's maturity. The phobias go further, remain in time and have common symptoms that can put us on notice.

Childhood phobias are very varied but we can find similar symptoms in all of them. Physical symptoms can be experienced even before encountering what the child is afraid of (in anticipation) or with real contact. What they perceive as a threat or danger could provoke children:

  • Palpitations or increased heart rate.
  • Tremors in the body, in the voice ...
  • Sweating: sweat glands are activated.
  • Nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
  • Pee very frequent.
  • Disengaged face, tics, facial faces ...
  • Thought block.
  • Screams.
  • Headaches or headaches.
  • Difficulty getting to sleep.
  • Psychomotor disturbance or excitement, muscle tone rises as if the body is preparing to flee (or is blocked).

Psychophysiological alterations that occur before a phobia are usually defined as "anxiety." In all cases there are intense emotional discomfort. Each child manifests their phobias with several of these symptoms, but they can be combined differently in each individual. Fears that acquire the intensity of phobia interfere in the daily life of the family.

Given these symptoms, it is best to accompany the child and in principle remove him from the reason for his phobia. Listen to the motives of their fears and explain as much as possible that there is no real threat. Gradually bring them closer to the object of the phobia (first we), relate it to pleasant moments (for example, listen to music you like or sing songs to "scare away" the fear of the dark) ...

Remember that phobias usually appear after five years (and up to twelve), but as the child matures, they usually disappear. We will have to see a specialist if the symptoms of childhood phobias do not disappear, since there are therapeutic treatments to help them overcome them.

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In Babies and more | How to act against childhood fears, Neophobia, fear of trying new foods

Video: Recognizing and Treating Problematic Fear and Anxiety in Children. #UCLAMDChat Webinar (May 2024).