A father publishes beautiful photos of his son flying to raise awareness about Down syndrome

His name is Wil, he is 20 months old and he is the fifth child of a couple who thought, upon learning that he had Down's Syndrome, that his life would take a strange turn, that they were afraid of the future and that they did not know very well what would happen.

And what happened is that Wil showed them that life could be otherwise and helped them grow as a family in aspects they didn't even know they needed to improve. They say that since they arrived they are happy and have wanted to show the world what their life is like through what is best given to Wil: fly!

Wil has helped them to see life in a different way, not to give up anything, but it has taught them to live life more slowly, otherwise, savoring the moments and being more aware of time, of life, what happens every day.

Wil, the baby that can fly

His father explains in a campaign he started to raise funds for two foundations dedicated to Down syndrome and to promote calendars made with his photos and those of other families, that Wil has always tried to fly from the moment he managed to turn and turn upside down .

Apparently, when he put himself on his abdomen he threw his arms back and raised his feet and everyone was joking with the idea that one day he would fly. One day he decided to make it happen: he took a picture of Wil in his arms and another of the same background without them in front of him and He tweaked it so Wil would fly.

He uploaded the photo to his Instagram and explained to everyone that Wil had finally managed to fly. Both the family and friends loved the idea and what was going to be something punctual became a weekly section. A section that acquired a new meaning for everyone: aware that Wil is very young, they all conjured up to help and support him so that despite having Down syndrome he will be able in the future to do everything he wants. How is it not going to be, if you can fly?

One pass, right? The photos are great, the boy, a little superhero with Down syndrome and the message, brutal: The sky is the limit. If you can fly, Wil, may no one ever tell you what you can and cannot do.

Video: Charlie's Clinic - Holistic and Specialized Care for Children with Down Syndrome (May 2024).