'Very Healthy': a new health space for children and adults by Sanitas

As health, well-being and image are a common good of every person, in Weblogs SL and Social Media SL we have launched a new project for Sanitas: Very healthy. It is a publication aimed at helping and guiding in the search for better health with nutrition advice, strategies to be fit, to look good and in general with all those tools that can make a person become more autonomous and active when looking for a way to live healthier.

In Very healthy You will find advice related to children's health, such as the first visit to the dentist of our children and that of adults, such as: How to delay the wear of the joints with age. We will also try to explain how to prevent diseases explaining how to preserve a good state of health and be in better shape, as physical activity in your daily life: say goodbye to sedentary lifestyle and watching at night, for those in which children let us sleep a little, taking care of your rest: Best postures to sleep. In addition, in Very Healthy, we will play topics of nutrition and innovationLike what is the best orange? Perhaps it is a new one with greater antioxidant power.

Official site | Very healthy