Rides in arms, happier rides

How many times will we have heard our mothers or grandmothers quarrel for carrying our baby in our arms? "Do not get used to it, then you will only want arms," ​​they warned us. Well, for once and without serving as a precedent, they are not right. Numerous studies show that for both the baby and the parents to abuse this custom it is beneficial physically and emotionally.

Advantages of carrying your baby in your arms

One of the first things that midwives advise mothers who have just given birth, in addition to breastfeeding, is to take the newborn in arms and let it rest body to body as long as possible. In this way, the baby will end up relaxing when he feels the heat, smell and heartbeat of his mother, the only being who knows and feels dependency instinctively.

If the baby is hungry, bellyache, sleep or heat will be transmitted to their parents through crying, it is the only way to communicate with them. The natural thing would then be for the parents to take it and try to solve their discomfort. "You're going to spoil it" your grandmother would tell you when she saw you holding it in her arms. Well, the next time you see yourself in that situation, take your baby in your arms and explain to your grandmother that:

  • They are happier and cry less. It is proven that children who spend more time in arms eventually cry less and are happier. This has a simple explanation and is that they have had the opportunity to enjoy the love, affection and protection of their parents since the month of life and feel loved and more confident.
  • They have greater capacity to develop their mind. Going in arms, they see the world from the same perspective as the person who carries it. If we turn because a noise has caught our attention or if we talk to the people around us, the baby will be part of that socialization.
  • They better develop their spine. The frog position with which we carry the baby with a carrier such as the Chicco Marsupio Close to you is ideal for the proper development of the spine. In addition it has also been shown to improve limb flexibility.
  • Avoid plagiocephaly. Plagiocephaly is a problem that involves the crushing of the back of the skull for spending too much time resting on our backs, a problem that we will avoid if we take our baby more often.
  • Also avoid one of the worst nightmares of both the newborn and the parents: gas colic that occur when, for example, swallowing too much air while the baby eats.
  • The Marsco Close to You Chicco can be used from 0 months to 15 kg as it has up to 3 positions and an abdominal support designed to distribute the weight in a balanced way.

    With it, parents can do other types of activities while carrying their protected baby in their arms. The architectural obstacles with which we are away from home and which represent a headache when you take your baby with the car are over. Daily activities like take a bus, get on the subway or perform some household chores, will no longer be an impediment.

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