Why the pacifier calms the baby (and we are all happier, but especially him)

The pacifier is one of those indispensable accessories in the basket of the newborn. While it is true that the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics It is recommended to avoid it during the first days of life, so as not to hinder breastfeeding, once it is well established, it is advised to use it to calm the baby and provide security.

Advantages of using the pacifier.

From birth, the baby has a need for non-nutritive suction Thanks to which he learns to coordinate breathing and swallowing, in addition to stimulating the muscles of the face and contributing to the proper development of the mouth. But this natural instinct of suction also serves to find comfort and relax. To calm and give security to the baby there are several techniques: skin with skin, breastfeeding without milk or using a pacifier.

If you feel the affection, the pampering and the body heat of the parents may not be enough when the feeling of anguish increases or can not catch the dream. For these cases the pacifier becomes a necessary accessory.

It has also been shown that the pacifier has an analgesic effect in those babies who suffer from infant colic thanks to that suction effect that it gives them calm and that makes them release tensions.

In addition, because the nipple prevents the tongue from going backwards and obstructs the airways, the use of the pacifier significantly reduces the risk of sudden death during the baby's first year of life, which is when it is most common. Therefore, in addition to serving to help you catch the dream, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommends that the baby sleep with the pacifier on, as well as sleep on his back.

How to choose the best pacifier

Having clear advantages and that the use of the pacifier should be supportive and in no case, substitute, it is time to choose the most suitable for our baby. It is important that it adapts perfectly to the mouth, favors the natural position of the tongue and exerts a uniform pressure on the entire palate that will prevent mouth deformations.

All these qualities have them Chicco's Physio Comfort pacifier which has been developed with the help of orthodontist experts. In addition, it is ergonomic and leaves a ample space between the nose and chin so as not to hinder breathing or movement, it is presented with silicone nipple and in various sizes adapted to the growth phase of the baby and this is wide enough to allow the lips to make, without problem, the natural suction movement .

Correct use of the pacifier

Now that we know the main advantages of this useful ally, we must use it with a head. Every baby is a world and as such not everyone has the same needs. It is not that the baby spends his day sucking his pacifier, it is best to use it only when necessary, such as at bedtime or in times of acute discomfort, and begin to remove it progressively from the 24 months of life and definitively at 36 months.

In Chicco Moments

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