The absurd mothers' war: let's stop judging how each one raises her children

There are many things that unite us as mothers, but we usually focus on those that separate us and differentiate us. We judge. Although we don't have the intention and go liberals, we usually judge who does not raise their children as we do.

That if she gives a bottle, that if she leaves it in a nursery at four months, that if she is a single mother, that if she is a slave to the tit, that if she leaves before work to take care of her children ... Who knows what there is behind each story to question the decisions that each one makes regarding their children? This announcement conveys a beautiful message for put an end to the mother's absurd war: let's stop judging how each one raises her children.

There are as many ways to raise as mothers, and neither is better or worse than the other, we all want the best for our children and we take what we believe are the best decisions for them.

A few months ago we showed you a funny video that talked about the same thing, the "mothers' war", but in a humorous way, and the importance of rescuing what unites us instead of what separates us.

Now the same brand (Similac) does it again but in a more emotional tone, you may feel identified or see in these mothers or other mothers you know, and whom you may have judged, or they you.

In the video it is presented to seven recent mothers with different ways of being, and therefore, with different ways to raise your babies. Each with its history, its preferences, its sufferings, and its convictions about what they want and don't want for their children.

In the end, the seven come together and as expected, they confess to having judged or felt judged by the others at first. But when they meet, they realize that the important thing is get rid of prejudices, leave criticism aside and respect each one as a mother.

It talks about the "brotherhood of motherhood", something we should start putting into practice. That of support each other without judging. Because we have a lot to learn from each other. If we listened more and judged ourselves less, we would have a happier motherhood and above all, we would be giving a better example to our children.