Spotify takes the step, six months of paternity leave to both parents

More and more private companies are faced with passivity and governments, they have decided catch the bull of fatherhood by the horns and side with its employees and their newborns. A few months ago we announced the proposal of Virgin of giving one year of paid leave to employees who were to be parents, shortly after Nestle also announced a 20-week permit, the last ones to get in the car have been Netflix, the series giant, which has announced that it will grant a year of paid leave and Microsoft which also announced 20 weeks, other companies with "friendly" policies have are Google with 17 weeks and Facebook which has 4 months (it must be taken into account that in the United States only 12 weeks are mandatory for companies with more than 50 employees).

Today we received another good news and that is that the giant of online music Spotify takes the step, six months of paternity leave to both parents.

We must remember that Spotify It is a Swedish company based in Stockholm and Sweden stands out for its policies on family and conciliation, in fact, not long ago they have approved a project to reduce working hours from 8 to 6.

It is clear that Swedish workers should already be accustomed to such policies, but the company has wanted to go further and has extended this policy to all company personnel, wherever you are and whatever your nationality.

What is this company policy?

  • All full-time Spotify workers who are parents can enjoy a six-month paternity and maternity leave with 100% of the salary.

  • This permission can be enjoyed until the baby is three years old and all those employees who have had a child as of 2013 will also be able to enjoy the leave.

  • As we know that after a maternity leave the return to work can be very difficult, they have created the "Welcome" month during which the team members can return at their own pace, enjoying a flexible schedule and being able to work from home.

This policy is what best defines us as a Swedish company, which places great emphasis on safe work, family, gender equality and the ability for each parent to spend quality time with their children. Affirms Katarina Berg, head of Human Resources at Spotify.

Hopefully this spirit, that ability that Spotify has had to adapt to the needs of its employees, to realize that when one goes happy to work their performance will be beneficial for the company, it will be transmitted from the board of directors to the board of directors and one day we can enjoy our family without having to give up our professional dreams.

Video: Overcoming the devastation of being raised by a narcissist mother (July 2024).