A mother makes a list of the 44 things that caused her 3-year-old daughter a tantrum in a single day!

When children are 2 or 3 years old, they enter into what many parents know as their first adolescence and in English they call it threenager, by mixing the word teenager (teenager) with three years of age (three).

It is called that because it is the age of tantrums, to say no and they say yes, say yes and answer no, cry for everything and despair to the point of saying "I don't know how to act!" Because whatever you do seems wrong.

A mother, surprised to see that her daughter had tantrums for many things decided one day to do a list and got no less than 44 reasons for anger in one day!

The 44 reasons why a 3-year-old girl can get angry in a single day

The mother's name is Jenna Hen and although the track comes from the DailyMail it is not the first time I hear about it, because it is editor in an Australian maternity blog called Babyology, where he published this list to talk about the 44 "completely reasonable" reasons why his daughter ran a tantrum:

  • She wanted to wear her Elsa shirt (which was in the pile of dirty clothes).
  • She put her underwear upside down.
  • I put the wrong episode of Strawberry Shortcake.
  • I had not prepared breakfast quickly enough.
  • I didn't want cereals. She wanted oatmeal.
  • I gave him the wrong container for his oatmeal. She wanted the bowl in which I put the cereals she didn't want.
  • Oatmeal fell on his knee.
  • She wanted a smaller spoon.
  • I gave him the yellow blanket instead of the pink blanket.
  • She wanted to wear her Elsa dress instead of her Elsa shirt.
  • Today was not his birthday.
  • His seat belt looked fun.
  • Her brother looked at her in the car.
  • The cat did not allow him to catch him by the tail.
  • He couldn't open the wrap of his muesli bar.
  • I opened the wrap of his muesli bar too much.
  • His muesli bar broke in two.
  • When I painted with her, I used the wrong color of blue for Cinderella's dress.
  • I sat on top of his imaginary friend.
  • She put her shoes on the wrong foot.
  • Peppa Pig finished.
  • I cut his sandwich into triangles.
  • I cut his second sandwich into squares.
  • I didn't let him take his game to the car.
  • I suggested we take a nap.
  • He dropped his hat on the road.
  • I didn't let her answer the phone.
  • I sat on the wrong side of the bed.
  • It started to rain.
  • I had to make dinner.
  • Her brother talked to her.
  • She spilled her water.
  • I used the red towel to clean it. I should have used the rose.
  • I took a shower without her.
  • I helped his brother with his homework.
  • He lost the pink shoe of his wrist.
  • I asked him if he wanted to take a bath.
  • I asked him to get out of the bathtub.
  • The towel itched.
  • Her brother put on her pajamas faster than her.
  • I turned the page of your bedtime story incorrectly.
  • Teddy fell off the bed.
  • I didn't tickle his arm correctly.
  • I yawned.

And your motives?

Surely you have laughed with many of the reasons because you have lived a few (I have laughed with several), so please, tell us what are the "completely reasonable" reasons why your children have ever cried. I subscribe to many of Jenna's reasons, such as cutting their sandwich and wanting clothes that are dirty, and now I don't remember them all, but I could say, by heart, speaking only of Guim:

  • He broke a cookie.
  • I pressed the elevator button and wanted to do it.
  • I raised him to press the number of the elevator but he wanted to do it without catching him, and he didn't arrive.
  • We went the wrong way.
  • He didn't want to put on his jacket.
  • He wanted me to tie his jacket.
  • I put a glass for the milk I didn't want.
  • I put that glass on his brother and then he did.
  • I didn't want a small plate, but big like dad and mom.
  • That big plate was discolored.
  • His brothers finished breakfast before him.
  • He wanted to shower with me.
  • But how much he was with me he wanted to shower alone.
  • I put strawberry jam on the school sandwich.
  • The next day I put cheese on it and I wanted strawberry jam.
  • Jon's birthday was not his birthday.
  • Aran's birthday was not his birthday.
  • My birthday was not his birthday.

Come on, follow you that Surely you have a lot to tell!

Photos | Ellyn and Allison on Flickr
In Babies and more | Children's tantrums are their way of explaining their problems: don't ignore them, Four fundamental keys to tantrums, do all children have a mental disorder?

Video: Symptoms of Child Behavior Disorders. Child Psychology (April 2024).