The incredible birth with the amniotic sac captured by a professional photographer

The birth of a baby can be one of the most wonderful in a woman's life if everything goes well or if something special happens in it.

Something like what happened to a woman who, giving birth to twins, he saw the second one go out with the amniotic sac intact, something that only happens in one of every 80,000 births, with the luck of having at that time with a professional photographer that will capture the image at the right time.

An almost impossible photo, by chance

The most curious thing is that the picture was taken almost by chance. According to Leilani Rogers, a photographer specializing in childbirth and breastfeeding, based in Austin, Texas, was the second baby to be born and everything happened in a room with so little light, so small and with so many people that she simply shot when she could. As explained by email:

Capturing the birth of a newborn in the amniotic sac was one of the most incredible moments for me as a birth photographer (...) I can't imagine, if it had been my birth, not having an image of that moment to remember it. So this is without a doubt my excuse to advise that a birth photographer be hired. Because there is no mobile phone that could have done justice to the image. The conditions were not ideal; It was dark, the room was small and there were many professionals whose work was more important than mine. But I did my best to capture it in a quick click, that miraculous moment. I didn't have time to see it with my own eyes! Reviewing the images later was the first time I stopped to look closely at what I had captured with the camera. And I started to cry, because it was so precious and so strange that I felt very fortunate to have witnessed it, even if it was only through my lens.

It's not the first veiled birth we see

Typically, during delivery, or before, the amniotic sac is broken in what we all know as "break waters" or "break source."

However, there are times when this does not happen and, if the rupture is not performed by a professional (before it was very common to break the bag because it was thought that the delivery was accelerated), the baby can get out into the amniotic sac .

In Babies and more We've seen some births like that. In 2008 we saw a veiled delivery on video (it is also called that), and we explain that it is often said that children born in this way are special and enjoy good luck throughout their lives. In 2013 we could see a pretty impressive picture of an equal birth, and in 2014 one in which the baby not only left with the bag intact, but also with the placenta.

Video: Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a sperm to human baby- Developing in the womb (July 2024).