Great reaction of the flight attendants when they see a mother of triplets pumping milk on the plane

Can you imagine that you have to travel by plane and that in the middle of the flight you need extra milk? Can you imagine that you are on a plane and that it is the woman next door, unknown, who does it?

In the first case, surely you feel some anxiety about the possibility that someone tell you that it is no place to do it, and in the second case, maybe you would prefer to do it somewhere else (unfortunately).

Jenna Evans She is a mother of triplets, and a few days ago she had to travel by plane and take advantage of the trip to express milk for her children. Given the possibility of someone censoring his act, he received a pleasant surprise: This is the great reaction of the flight attendants when they see her pumping milk.

His triplets have five months

As they tell us from Yahoo, Jenna had to take a lightning trip to see her grandfather, and that meant having to separate from their five month old babies. Three five-month-old babies who drink breast milk ... that's a lot of production, so Jenna couldn't postpone her pumping session so much to relieve her breasts as to save the milk for the return.

With all the care he could, and trying to be discreet, he put the pump in his breasts and began to take out milk. When the hostesses realized what he was doing they decided to help him.

They asked him to accompany them to first class

Two flight attendants they asked him to accompany them to first class, where I would have more space and have more privacy. But not only that. The hostesses were very aware of her and offered her water and food throughout the flight.

And on his return, the same thing happened

The next morning, when he returned home, the same thing happened. Directly they offered him another first class seat in case I needed to re-express milk, so that I could do it with total comfort.

The gesture was so exciting for her that she decided to explain it on the Delta company's Facebook page as a way to express her gratitude by facilitating her role as a mother, at a time when she was away from her children.

Its publication has gone viral and has caused more than 50,000 positive reactions, being shared more than three thousand times. Among the almost 800 comments, one of the company itself is grateful for his words and assuring him that they will speak with the flight attendants, Kaitlin and Loretta, to send them public thanks and to recognize their role and their work.

What do you think? I loved this story because I think that everyone should do the same with the mothers and fathers of young children, lend them a hand so they don't feel so alone and, especially, in the case of nursing mothers, So they don't feel stinky, doing something disgusting, like when someone sends them to the plane's sink, where people piss and shit, to take out what will be the food of their babies.

Video: Gag Concert. 개그콘서트 ENG (May 2024).