The rebellion against the duties continues: the duties are not for the summer

Classroom doors have not just closed, while children run out of school when we are already talking about the embarrassing homework.

Yes, we had already choked on children and parents during the course, homework is not for summer although the bicycles yes, well and thousands of other options.

Summer homework why? Really they are so necessary? There are few fathers and mothers who do not have anything clear and who maintain their rebellion against school duties, now in summer.

In case we had little fatigue with homework during the course, summer arrives and the controversy continues around this issue.

What is positive about school duties during the 90 days of vacations that children have ahead of them?

Homework on school vacations ... isn't there something that doesn't sound good in this sentence?

Paternal rebellion

Mothers and fathers have reached the point of refusing, that's it, so far we have arrived, they have told some teachers when their children have left school.

Why there are children who have not brought only the notebooks and books they have used during the course, These days home. There are children who also in their backpack they carried a sheet with the duties that their teachers have given them for the next course.

No, I do not speak of recommendations, that those yes have been able to hear the majority of students from their teachers, we talk about those impositions that some teachers have seen opportune to do to the students for this holiday period.

A daily hour for math, half an hour a day for language, has been the task that some children have brought home along with books and notebooks of course and of course, some parents have rebelled against this new imposition outside of school hours.

The teachers claim that it is so that they do not forget the concepts learned during the course that has just ended, parents point out that vacations are to rest precisely from the routine that organizes the lives of children during the course and homework is part of that routine

Summer is to get bored

That is what is also missed in the leisure time of children, when they have them and summer is also the perfect time to get bored.

We all remember our school summers, with those vacations that coming to their last days seemed like they were never going to end, in which we were already bored of being bored but in which we came up with the best plans, the most crazy games, the most surprising moments, the endless bathrooms, the rehearsed plays that never ceased to seem improvised, the basketball or baseball games in which girls and boys formed Part of the same team.

Those summers are those that, as far as possible, are demanding some parents for their children, to recover that feeling of freedom, of tedium, of self-management of their leisure time.

The summers are so that boredom awakens our imagination, so that there is time for board games and playing outdoors, so that there is time ...

From the Spanish Confederation of Associations of Parents of Students (CEAPA) and from the Federation of Associations of Parents of Students (FAPA) “Giner de los Ríos”, they are opposed to imposing school duties during summer school vacations. Both organizations are committed to raising free time for everyone, not only for teachers, but for the entire educational community.

Bearing in mind that Spanish children are the ones who spend the most hours a day doing homework during the school year throughout Europe and yet that is something that does not affect their academic results are also the highest in the continent, but rather On the contrary, the need to continue doing homework during the summer, is it really an academic need of the children or do they only arise as a way to spend their free time? And if that is why ... what is the reason?

Perhaps recovering the dialogue with the teachers, perhaps asking them that the need for rest of the children is above the school duties during the holidays, that the "summer books or summer booklets" have no place in the suitcase full of desire to rest and learn yes, but otherwise, perhaps that is what we could do parents so that the vacation of our children resemble slightly those we had in which every afternoon we found a new occupation, a new game, a new adventure.

Options for vacations that are not homework

Obviously, many will say, and rightly so, that in these more than 90 days that summer school students have there is time to do many things and they are certainly right, the question is whether there should be time for school obligations during the school holidays ... yes, it sounds very contradictory again true?

That there are reading books around it is a good option for them to decide to read and enjoy reading, without being part of the book of the "reading plan" of the school.

Books with which he knows great stories but above all that he has fun reading them, living them and books with which he discovers other ways of telling those stories, why not read some poetry together in the summer afternoons?

That there are board games with which to think, play, add, reflect, raise strategies ... board games can be a help to spend good times and even good times together, as a family, when the family finally gets time to be together In summer, that is another story but we stop talking about homework to talk about conciliation, another problem when the holidays arrive.

And with all the options we have seen, do we still think that children have to have time to do homework, school homework on school vacations, can anyone understand it?

Video: REPLAY Philippe and rebels arrive in capital to cheering crowds (July 2024).