The challenges with children in Latin America and the Caribbean: there is still much to do

Latin America and the Caribbean, where 195 million girls, boys and adolescents live, is one of the most unequal regions in the world and despite the advances in recent decades there are still a large number of disadvantaged and excluded children that continue to find barriers to access social services and protection.

Universal access to these services and the reduction of inequalities will be possible with the commitment of governments, civil society, the media, opinion leaders and companies ... There is still much to do.

All paddling in the same way so that children can exercise their rights and get out of the intergenerational cycle of poverty, survive and not die from preventable causes, so that they have access to quality education, that they are protected against multiple forms of violence ...

In the last UNICEF video of Latin America and the Caribbean Emphasis is placed on these objectives, highlighting the progress made in the region in the fulfillment of children's rights and indicating where further progress is necessary, especially for the most disadvantaged and excluded.

All to remind us that there is a collective commitment with the 2030 Agenda and with the Sustainable Development Goals as well as with other international commitments such as the Children's rights convention and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Some of the figures in the region make clear the need to act:

  • Approximately 69 million children live in poverty, mostly located in remote rural areas and, increasingly, in environments around cities.

  • Despite the remarkable progress in reducing infant mortality, it is estimated that 196,000 children still fail to reach five years of age. In total, 50% of these deaths occur in the first 28 days of the child's life.

  • 7,300 mothers die each year from causes that are associated with complications during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium.

  • It is estimated that 14 million are outside the education system.

  • Only 30% of children with disabilities go to school, which creates new inequalities for this specific group.

  • Each year there are a total of 25,000 homicides of children and adolescents in the region.

  • It is estimated that 1.1 million teenage women have been forced to have sex or face other sexual acts.

We leave you with him video on the situation of children in Latin America and the Caribbean, about their shortcomings but also about their dreams, to reflect.

Video | Youtube
More information | UNICEF
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Video: UNICEF in Latin America and the Caribbean: do you believe in the #RightToZERO? (July 2024).