One of the smallest babies in the world goes home after 307 days in the hospital

His mother suffered preeclampsia during pregnancy, a condition characterized by a hypertensive state during pregnancy, and Nathan Ray Teply, came into the world much earlier than expected (and desired). He was born by caesarean section on December 18, 2015 with 24 weeks gestation, a size of 27.3 cm and 420 grams of weight.

It barely fit in the palm of one hand and life expectancy was minimal, but despite its apparent fragility this little fighter managed to get ahead after staying 307 days in the hospital. Now, weighing 7.1 kilos and the first teeth that are already sticking out, he finally goes home with his parents.

His first ten months of life were very different from those of other babies: he spent ten months in the hospital. He survived two outbreaks of pneumonia, lung collapse and a brain hemorrhage that almost makes you lose your life. But despite all that has happened, Nathan has always been a very active and smiling baby, and no doubt, a great fighter. A few days ago, on his first Halloween, he wore a very appropriate Superman costume.

At home, you should be subjected to a lot of care, since you still have to take a long list of medications and stay connected to the machines that allow you to breathe and monitor you at all times.

Fortunately, thanks to medical progress, more and more premature extremes get ahead, these are those born between the 22nd and 28th week, when a full-term pregnancy is one that has 40 weeks of gestation.

The family has started a campaign in GoFoundMe to be able to meet the costs of recovering the child, who still has a long way to go, but is finally home.

Video: World's Tiniest Baby Back Home After 307 Days In Hospital - Nathan Ray Teply (July 2024).