How does your body take advantage of the multivitamins you take during pregnancy?

When you are pregnant Do you want to provide your baby with the basic nutrients for optimal belly development? and its growth after childbirth. But how to achieve it? Well, the main thing is to have a balanced diet and supervised by a nutritionist.

Due to current lifestyles sometimes it is difficult to follow certain recommendations that the nutritionist gives, so it doesn't hurt to ask if it's possible supplement with some type of multivitamin that provides you with the necessary vitamins and minerals to cover your nutritional requirements and those of your baby (Also check with the doctor who will monitor the development of your pregnancy).

Now, the Office of Food Supplements of the National Institute of Health, of the United States, considers that women of reproductive age and pregnant women can benefit from the nutrients contained in multivitamins; The former should consume 400 mcg / day of folic acid, while the latter need to cover the amount of iron that your doctor recommends.

This is how your body absorbs vitamins and minerals!

With each bite you eat the nutrients that you and your baby requirewhen they reach the stomach they break down into smaller, smaller particles that then pass into the small intestine where they are absorbed by tiny villi found in the mucosa of this organ. These structures transport vitamins and minerals to the blood in order to distribute them throughout the body and thus feed your cells (energy is obtained in the same way).

Now, according to Dr. Michael Roizen, When blood passes near the chorionic hairs of the placenta, they take the nutrients and antibodies the baby requires and transfer them through the umbilical cord. The same goes for the vitamins and minerals of supplements such as Elevit, which provide various essential substances that pregnant or breastfeeding women need.

What do the nutrients of a multivitamin give you?

Vitamins, minerals and other trace elements are essential substances that your body requires to function properly, but cannot produce them, so it is important to obtain them through diet and, if necessary, from supplements.

Next we will tell you how some of these nutrients benefit you:

Vitamin D: This is responsible for working together with calcium to help the bones and teeth of the baby develop properly. And according to the Cleveland Clinic, this vitamin is essential for the baby to have healthy skin and eyes. For its part, in 2013, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism published a study in which it was revealed that a child is more likely to have strong muscles, if his mother had enough vitamin D in his body during pregnancy.

Vitamin B / Folic acid: This reduces the risk of the baby developing problems that affect his brain and spine (known as 'neural tube defects'), this according to the March of dimes foundation. They also point out that it could decrease the chances of a child being born with heart problems and defects in his mouth, such as a cleft lip and palate.

Iron: According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pregnant women require double the amount of iron. This mineral performs primary functions, such as generating more blood to supply oxygen to the baby. For its part, March of dimes states that iron deficiency can cause problems such as anemia, fatigue, increased risk of infection, having a premature baby or having a very low birth weight.

Calcium: It is not only necessary for you to have strong bones, but also for your child to have a healthy development of their teeth, heart, nerves, muscles and, of course, their bone system, as explained by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Is it advisable to continue with the supplements during breastfeeding? Well, everything will depend on the doctor who has followed you during pregnancy. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (APA) considers that it is also advisable to consume them if they benefit your health. Follow the recommendations of the specialist and if he gives you his consent, go ahead!

Remember that, multivitamin supplements, such as Elevit, were prepared to help in the development of the baby providing the essential nutrients necessary during pregnancy with the idea of ​​preventing the mother from having deficiencies in her diet. Consult your doctor before starting to take it.

Video: The Importance of Prenatal Vitamins (June 2024).