Why do I choose to educate my male children in feminism?

They say that new times require new changes and many of them start from the earliest age, it is right there when everything starts, when the foundations are formed for the rest of our life.

Today society is asking for a change in its foundations, changes so essential that our grandchildren may not recognize that society of which the grandfather speaks. But for that, for that to happen we must start with education, an education far from the more egalitarian, more feminist stereotypes. Why do I choose to educate my male children in feminism?

Why educate children in equality?

I know that many think that why change, as a man I am supposed to be in a good position, I also don't have daughters to change the rules of the game, in my house being a man is what I play. Why change? Why should I teach my children to be feminists then?

For me the answer is simple, because I want to provoke change so that they can live in a better society.

In Babies and moreEducation of boys and girls in feminism is possible since they are young: guidelines and advice

Not all that glitters is gold. It would be stupid of me to think that as a man I have life as complicated as if I were a woman. I would have to be blind so as not to see that I now, and my children in the future, do not have certain benefits for the simple fact of being men in this orderly society around patriarchal values ​​and precepts.

Values ​​that we have been listening for so long that they have become part of the DNA of our society. We don't even think if any of our day-to-day actions are sexist or not and we don't do it because it comes out automatically, without thinking. It's more, we have it so within us that in many cases we would not know how to act otherwise and not only men but also women and this is due to the depth to which we have assumed certain concepts.

But the same thing that makes us act using our privileges without realizing that we are taking advantage of unfair situations, unfounded topics or situations in which we presuppose certain types of behaviors without the slightest logic or reason for doing so, the same as It makes us believe all this does not let us see the price paid for it, because of course, as they say, nothing comes free in this life.

This privileged position also forces us to maintain a certain type of behavior towards society, it forces us to repress a large part of our own nature for the benefit of a much darker one.

They sold us that of "Children do not cry because it is not of men", they told us that the best way to resolve conflicts was to beat, that we "they gave"To a woman for our life and we bought it, what if we did it and we changed partners for servants and justice for the law of the strongest.

Our responsibility

As a father first and a man later, I think It is my responsibility to give my children the best possible world within my means, in giving them the necessary tools so that they can face the future for themselves. But it is not forcing them to accept an inheritance that will mark their lives forever.

It is in my hand to serve as an example for them, to teach them that there are behaviors that despite being admitted and widespread are not morally acceptable, that hurt and that do not contribute anything good to our lives. That in a society in which the "I" prevails, obtaining benefits regardless of the price, while others pay, we must be the ones to show them what is right or wrong.

How we treat others, especially the opposite sex will be the basis of the treatment that they give in the future, respect begins for ourselves towards those we have closest to not letting any sexist behavior and point it out. How we educate them or the tools we give them to educate their children will be key pieces of the future.

But it is not easy to recognize and change attitudes that have always been with us, it is not easy, especially for us adults to restart and eliminate the machismo of our life, we will probably never be able to eliminate it 100% but it is certain that by setting certain guidelines to our children, to always treat with respect to others whoever they are, not to shut up before certain behaviors will make the future much better.

How to educate children in equality?

It is not a matter of eliminating everything that sounds "macho" from the lives of our children, it does not make the slightest sense to get our son out of the soccer team and point to ballet or cooking classes in the same way that he does not have it either. Telling our daughter that she can no longer dress as a princess, because the problem is not to be a princess or not but to believe that her goal is to be rescued by the prince or that she cannot be anything else because she is a child.

There are no games or things for boys or girls.

One of the phrases I usually hear in school or on the street is "that's for boys / girls". I usually see her use to make our son or daughter not continue doing what we don't want her to do, when what we should tell her is exactly that, that we don't want her to continue with that attitude or playing that game, or that she has to return the toy you have taken.

But never that she or he can not do it because it has not been defined for their sex, because it is not true (unless you have to use the genitals in the activity and I do not know any childish games in which it should be done).

With this type of behavior we are creating a wall around our children, limiting their possibilities and limiting their imagination. Not to mention that we are causing machismo to extend beyond our generation.

In Babies and more Toxic masculinity: why we should avoid transmitting it to our children

Reinforce the inclusive behaviors of our children

Tell them that girls can play football too, or that nothing happens if they want us to play meals or comb mom, if she wants dolls or cars for kings.

Tell our daughters and sons that there is nothing they cannot do

That only they and no one else but them should decide on their future, that even princesses can change the oil to the car, operate a sick heart or write the most beautiful stories, sex has only been something that has come to us randomly , which will mark certain natural aspects of our life, but not our life itself.

Y All this will only be possible if we start to change education from today, if we teach our children the right path and not because we have always gone. Winds of change blow and do not seem to stop.

In Babies and more "Why I am raising my children to be feminists," the statement of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Video: Why we need to teach children about feminism. Liam Butler. TEDxCoventGardenWomen (July 2024).