Five ideas to celebrate and remember baby's first Christmas

For first-time mothers and fathers (and not-so-first-timers too), a baby's first moments are important: her first smile, her first crawl, her first word and her first steps, among many others, and we seek to save or capture them from some way to remember them and relive them.

The baby's first Christmas is also undoubtedly a great event in the family, especially if it is something that they celebrate with enthusiasm, because now they make it part of this cheerful and traditional celebration, so I share Some ideas to celebrate and remember your baby's first Christmas.

Make or buy a custom tree ornament

You can make one yourself and if you have older children they can also be part of this moment and help make them. If the crafts are not your forte, many sites today offer the sale of ornaments for the Christmas tree with the name or a photo of the baby.

In Babies and more Three tips for your baby to also have a Merry Christmas

Make a Christmas photo session

Capture this baby's first Christmas with a nice photo shoot, you can disguise it as Santa Claus or snowman, or if you prefer, do a family session where all the members dress up, dad and mom can dress like Mr. and Mrs. Noel and their baby can be a sweetie Christmas elf.

Start a new family tradition

Surely your partner or you already have family traditions for this Christmas season, but forming a family also represents create your own identity and with it the creation of new traditions.

You can start going to see Christmas parades or tour the illuminated city with your baby. If what they want is something more homemade, they can assign a special day as "Christmas movie marathon day in pajamas" and stay at home.

Take your baby to meet Santa Claus or the Magi

Although he is too young to realize the identity of the lord of white beard and red suit, or of the Magi, it is a beautiful tradition that they can perform each year and that will help keep the illusion alive. When he is older it will be very nice for him to see his photographs with them since he was a baby.

Take a lot of pictures

And finally, the most important thing on these dates: capture these unrepeatable moments taking many photos and enjoying this beautiful tradition with the smallest member of the family.

In Babies and more Baby's first Christmas

Photos | Pixabay
In Babies and more | Baby's first Christmas, Baby's first Christmas: a couple of tips, Three tips for your baby to also have a Merry Christmas