The closest thing to a vaginal delivery: this shows the baby's head in a 'natural caesarean section' (video)

When necessary, caesarean sections save lives. Fortunately, more and more, hospitals claim that this way of birth is as humanized as possible, respecting the process and making the mother participate in the delivery to the point of taking the baby out of her own hands in some cases.

In this way, the mother can see your baby sticking his head, as in vaginal delivery, but leaving his belly. Precisely that moment is what we see in this amazing video of a natural caesarean section.

Dr. Jham Frank Lugo of the Lugo Clinical Fertility Center (Maracay, Venezuela), specialized in humanized caesarean sections, shared on his Instagram account the images that you will see below that will leave you with your mouth open. (Be careful for some can be impressionable)

Welcome!! Happy # Tuesday #birth #birth #birth #bebe # child #child #love #cesarea #csection #gentlecesarean #respired birth obstetrician #doctor #maracay #clinicalugo #bebecenfer #baby

A shared post by Jham Frank Lugo (@fertilugo) on Apr 18, 2017 at 4:08 PDT

Respected or natural caesarean section, what is it?

It is assumed that respect should not be neglected in any type of delivery, nor in caesarean section, whether you can see your baby born or not, but they are known as respected C-sections, natural C-sections or humanized C-sections because they intend to recreate as faithfully as possible what happens in a natural birth, vaginal delivery.

The incision is made in the lower abdomen, as in any caesarean section, but parents can see and live that unforgettable moment in which the head of your baby appears for the first time to the world.

Instead of the doctor taking him out with his hands, although he helps, he waits for the baby to "be born alone" recreating the passage through the birth canal.

The same doctor shared another video of a humanized caesarean section (we are not sure if it will be the same birth) in which the baby comes to the world gently, without hurry, almost without knowing that he has already been born.

#birth respected, in union #familiar, listening to the #music 🎶 that the #fathers chose especially for the arrival of their #bebe, in #paz and #tranquility, a perfect # welcome. #humanized sugarcane #gentlecesarean #cenfer #teamcenfer #clinicalugo #ginecologist #medicine #medicine #doctor #pregnancy #pregnancy pregnant #birth #birth #birth #pregnant #pregnancy #mother #woman #woman #mother #love

A shared post by Jham frank lugo (@fertilugo) on Apr 20, 2017 at 4:57 p.m. PDT

Via | Instagram - Fertilugo
In Babies and more | Give birth by caesarean section as if it were a natural birth?