Imagine that you leave your child in the nursery and when you pick him up you find him full of bites, what to do?

Sometimes, for whatever reasons, we need to leave our children in someone else's care. And one of the places we can feel safe with is a nursery. But although most can be certified places with trained personnel, sometimes things happen that we definitely did not expect.

A Mexican mother left her two children in a nursery and when she picked them up, she noticed that the little one, only one year and two months old, he had been bitten 25 times in the whole body.

The news

According to information from Telecinco, the mother has denounced the nursery because when picking up her children she found that the child had nothing more and nothing less than 25 bites in arms, chest, back, ears and cheeks. Twenty-five!

The child had to receive medical attention due to the injuries that, according to what the nursery staff told the mother, were caused by another one-year-old boy, who had already done that before. Due to what happened, the mother went to file a complaint for negligence and carelessness of the staff, for not avoiding or detaining the other child while biting her son.

After filing a complaint, the staff of the Ministry of Social Development went to the nursery to speak with the staff, but when they did not find anyone, they placed a summons at the door of the facilities, indicating that the nursery is suspended while they are being carried out The proper investigations.

This is not the first time we heard of something like that. Some years ago we learned about the case of a 22-month-old girl who received 30 bites while in daycare.

What should be done in these cases? Who was to blame? On one occasion we learned of a 15-month-old boy who was expelled during a week from a daycare center for biting other children. Was it the best decision? Definitely not. These types of behaviors are solved talking and showing our children the right way to live together are their classmates.

What do I do if they bite my baby?

Probably no mother leaves her child in a nursery waiting for something like this to happen to her. But I think it is important that we are prepared for this kind of situation.

The first thing we should do is investigate and ask what happened. Talk to the teachers to see what solutions they offer, and if we consider it necessary, talk to the mother or father of the child who has bitten our child. It is important that the people in charge of our children take their share of responsibility. I understand that children can do a thousand things if they stop seeing them for a second but still, the responsibility is theirs.

Clarified that this would be in the case that a child once bit our children. If we are talking about what happened to the child of this note, I would definitely do the same as the mother, because it is not possible that the responsible staff has allowed this and I do consider they should be sanctioned for their serious neglect.

As mothers and fathers we must teach them since they were little to say no when someone bothers or aggravates them, and explain some ways to defend themselves, how to approach your teachers and get away from the child that bothers you.

What if it is my son who bites?

Although it is something that can embarrass or worry us a lot, we must clarify that doing so at that age (one, two and three years) is normal. In many cases it is a way of expressing frustration or anger because they do not know how to do it otherwise, others simply want to attract attention. With this I don't want to say that it is a behavior that we should accept, but do not stress too much because it is not something terribly bad.

What we must do is identify the reason behind the bites. Why do you bite? With what purpose? Once the reason is found, we can then work to stop it. Communication is key to teach our children what they can and cannot do, and that they understand that these kinds of actions hurt others.

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