"If adults act like children," the funny imitation of young children by a tired mother

Before being a mother I underestimated my free time and my hours of sleep. It was easy to reveal myself doing unimportant things or complain about "not having time." Oh, what ignorance of mine. Of course, that does not mean that I now think nonsense, but before I had no idea how much I would miss those moments of rest.

And being a mother or father of young children can be exhausting. It seems that they have an endless source of energy and that there are days when nothing, absolutely nothing we do is to your liking. And the parents? We end up dead tired. But for those who have no children, it may be a bit confusing why parents of young children are always tired.

So a mother YouTuber He was given the task of illustrating perfectly and in a hilarious video, what life would be like if adults act like young children.

Kristina Kuzmic is a mom that we've already introduced you before. From her fantastic sense of humor with a video showing four reasons why women should never breastfeed in public, to their firm and admirable posture when their children have bothered with her and tells them that she doesn't care because she She is not her friend, she is her mother.

Now she returns with a hilarious video titled "If adults acted like toddlers"(If adults act like young children) in which he mimics some behaviors of a child between 1 and 3 years old and what life would be like if adults acted like them.

For those who are not parents and wonder why those of us who have small children are always exhausted, let me put it in perspective for you: imagine that what you are about to see is your roommate, for whom you are 100% responsible.

This is how the video begins where we see Kristina imitating many of the actions that young children do, from waking up parents too enthusiastically and rejecting food because she "feels weird" to make mischief or have a tantrum in the middle of the floor Supermarket. And of course, there can be a moment that surely any parent of a small child knows: when they are already in bed and desperately need a glass of water.

Of course, not every day is like that and not all children are the same, however it is an age when they begin to explore their ability to do things and there is definitely a lot of experimentation on their part. And the mothers and fathers? Well, exhausted from so much mood swings in our children and from being constantly alert to prevent them from doing some epic mischief.

Video: Ellen Gets Into Her Staff's Facebook! (July 2024).