Dads bloggers, Carlos visits us from the blog Stories of a Dad

We continue with interviews with Mexican bloggers dads is this little special on the occasion of the next Father's day in Mexico. On this day he visits us Carlos Wollenstein, from a Dad's Stories blog.

Carlos is a first-time father of twins and in his blog he tells us with a great sense of humor the hilarious adventures he lives in his fatherhood.

Tell us a little about yourself and your family

My name is Carlos Wollenstein and I work in advertising as a Producer. I just turned 36 this month and I'm married. I have two children, twins, girl and boy, and they are almost 21 months old (they are already 2 years old!).

What motivated you to write a blog?

I started writing my blog to share my experience as a dad with more parents, and tell my survival stories with twins. I also write for myself, for my wife and for my children, so that one day we can return to certain posts and relive those incredible moments that I don't want to go unnoticed. As a personal diary to remember the best of life.

How has fatherhood been for you?

Fatherhood has been a huge change for me, the best thing that has happened to me and what has put me to the test. From one day to another your life changes, you have to mature in a certain way and take responsibility whether you want it or not. You already have a baby (in my case two) under your care and then you have to feel like learning and enjoying every day with them.

You sacrifice a lot of your life for them, but every moment you stop doing something for yourself and you do it for them it is worth it and it is the greatest happiness something can give you.

What has been your biggest challenge as a father? Was there anything you thought would be easy and it turned out that it wasn't?

When you are the father of twins we are both moms and dads at the same time (without giving clear breast). The sleepless and sleepless nights to give bottles and help my wife were difficult but not impossible. You become a semi-productive zombie.

But I think the biggest challenge has been and continues to be more patient and understand that my children are two new people in this world and that they learn many things every day. Be patient with the spoon thrown to the floor for the 32nd time, by tantrums or because they brush their teeth. Everything is new to them and you have to teach them with patience and affection all the values ​​that we want to instill in them so that they grow up being good people with themselves and others.

What do you most enjoy or like about being a father?

Obviously I love being told "dad", because they want something from me or that they just say it by saying, in the air, in their crib before sleeping. I love that they sit on my legs to read them until they fall asleep, I love that they run towards me and give me a hug, that when I arrive from work they smile and yell dad. That they take my finger and take me to play, that they give me kisses or frentazos that want to be badly given kisses.

What advice would you give to other parents?

First of all, this time with our children is going very fast and we have it counted. I feel it was yesterday when they were born and my twins are almost 2 years old. Every day they grow up and are different people, one day they may love that the snuggling to sleep and another day they no longer want. So with many things, that's why we have to take every moment with our children and take a deep breath and record it in our memory and heart.

Another tip is, all difficult things or challenges are also stages and they all happen, you have to be patient. The not asleep, eventually passes. The explosive popos also pass, the tantrum stage too, although its end is not seen.

Everything has a beginning and an end and as soon as you realize it, your son will sleep through the night, his reflux will be a thing of the past and the food on the floor, that takes a little longer.

We thank Charles for dedicating a little of his time to tell us about his experience with fatherhood and the adventures he writes in his blog Stories of a dad. Look forward to another interview tomorrow with another Mexican dad.

Video: Jimmy Akin's Personal Testimony From Protestantism to Catholic Audio (July 2024).