Children with autism suffer with pyrotechnics: before using it, think about them

At Christmas, and especially on New Year's Eve, fireworks and firecrackers are one of the biggest fun for many people. But not everyone has a good time. Dogs suffer especially with them, as do some young children who have real terror, and especially children with autism, often forgotten, and suffering horrors with pyrotechnics.

One of the main characteristics of these children is that they suffer from a sensory processing disorder, they have exacerbated senses, and especially the ear, perceiving the noise in an increased way. They are hypersensitive to sounds and lights, so fireworks shows turn into real torture for them.

The roar caused by fireworks and firecrackers generates a high level of anxiety and stress, can even cause crises, episodes in which they get very tense, cry, scream, cover their ears desperately and in some cases they can get to hurt themselves or have seizures

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Many families with children with autism seek strategies to protect them, preparing them in advance for days, or looking for remote places to spend the holidays and thus avoid exposing them to noise, but it is not always possible.

Therefore, out of respect for children with autism and all those who have a hard time with pyrotechnics, think about them before using it. So that we all have a happy holiday.

And by the way, Happy New Year's Eve and New Year!