He came to the world with 400 grams and managed to survive despite being born a girl in India

The mere fact of Being born a girl in India is a challenge to survive, and more when born with 400 grams of weight and just 28 weeks gestation. In a country where selective abortion of female fetuses and female infanticide is the order of the day, a premature baby who was given a 0.5 chance of survival has managed to get ahead against all odds. Four days before he was seven months old, he was discharged from the hospital with a weight of 2.4 kilos.

Seeta is one of the smallest babies that survives in India, thanks to the efforts of the doctors of the Jivanta Children's Hospital in Udaipur and the determination of their parents, who contrary to what many parents do in India, did not hesitate to give all your support to help her fight for her life.

The challenge of surviving with 400 grams

His mother developed uncontrollable hypertension during pregnancy, a complication often related to premature delivery. An ultrasound revealed an insufficiency of blood flow to the fetus, so doctors decided to perform an emergency C-section even if there were still three months left until the date of delivery.

The girl was born on June 15, 2017 with 28 weeks of gestation, a weight of 400 grams and a height of 21 centimeters. His feet were the size of a nail.

After birth the hopes were minimal. He received advanced respiratory support to help her breathe and, since her intestines were immature, she was given total parenteral nutrition to make sure she received all the essential nutrients. Just started to digest milk at seven weeks and with four and a half months I could already drink it from a spoon.

The biggest challenge, doctors say, was avoid any infection that could cause him a failure and end his life. But the latest technology added to the experience of doctors managed to get the girl forward, and after 210 days admitted to the ICU, she was finally able to go home.

Born girl in India

Not only did he have a hard time being born so small, but also for the mere fact of being born a girl In a country where being a woman has very unfavorable connotations with respect to men. Many girls are killed before birth when their parents find out about their baby's sex, after birth, or end up dying from neglect or neglect during their first years of life.

According to the medical journal The Lancet, it is estimated that 12 million female fetuses have been victims of selective abortions in India in the last three decades. That's why it is even more hopeful that Seeta has managed to survive, because represents a whole symbol in a society in which to be born a girl is seen as a burden For many families.

"We are grateful to Seeta and her family and appreciate them for set a new example to the community. Rajasthan, where girls, who are still considered a burden, are thrown in the trash immediately after birth or stay in the orphanage. The couple treated their baby that had negligible chances of survival, "said Dr. Ajay Gambhir, former president of the Neonatology Forum of India.

"We decided to save the baby's life and offer him the necessary medical attention and care because we wanted to send a message that girls should be protected. In a state like Rajasthan, where female infanticide is rampant, people have to step forward and take steps to end this evil practice"says the doctor.

Hopefully Seeta will grow without major consequences due to her prematurity and that the girl's life will serve as an example against the selective genocide of girls that occurs in some regions of India.

Via | Hindustan Times
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