To sleep! Napping during pregnancy reduces the risk of the baby having low birth weight

At the time a baby is born, you have some tests to check your health conditions and verify that everything is in order or know if you have any special conditions. One of the first data taken is the weight of the baby at birth, an important factor in the baby's health.

A recent study found that There is a relationship between the weight of the baby and the amount of afternoon naps that mothers take during pregnancy. We share your results.

When we are pregnant, our body is working much more than usual, so It's normal that we often find ourselves needing to rest. That's when naps appear, the most precious rest we have at this stage of our lives.

But in addition to helping us replenish the energy that our body is using in pregnancy, a recent study found that napping in the afternoon has health benefits for our baby next to be born.

The research was conducted in China and had the participation of more than 10,000 women between 15 and 50 years, whose data on their sleep habits during pregnancy were obtained from another study that was carried out between 2012 and 2014.

Using logistic regression models to carry out the analysis of the information, a link was found between taking naps in the afternoon and their frequency, with a lower probability of babies being born with low birth weight. According to the results, women can obtain greater benefits and reduce this risk by napping for an hour and a half in the afternoon during pregnancy.

The findings of this study coincide with those of another from a few years ago, which found that pregnant women who sleep poorly have a higher risk of having a preterm birth. While the reason for these results is not known with certainty, both studies prove that adequate rest during pregnancy is essential for the healthy development of the baby.

Video: Pregnancy Causing Restless Sleep (July 2024).