What will i feel? The most frequent discomforts in the third trimester of pregnancy

As we have said before, all women suffer, to a lesser or greater extent, the discomforts of pregnancy. We have already talked about the most common in the first trimester and in the second trimester of pregnancy. We are going today to dedicate ourselves to discomfort in the third trimester of pregnancy and how to relieve them.

In the final stretch of pregnancy, new disorders appear or aggravate some existing ones, but in any case the majority are caused by the weight and volume of the gut. At third trimester, if you have not done it before, some are present discomfort such as back pain, heartburn, swelling and heaviness of legs, snoring and indigestion.

Heartburn or heartburn

Heartburn or heartburn may appear at any time during pregnancy. It is caused by the action of hormones that produce a relaxation of the muscular ring that is between the esophagus and stomach, allowing stomach acids and part of the digested food to reflux into the esophagus producing burning or burning sensation.

However, it is more frequent or worsens in the third trimester due to the pressure exerted by the uterus on the stomach, also making digestion slower.

To keep acidity at bay you should eat small amounts several times a day, eat slowly, avoid some foods such as citrus, yogurt, raw leafy vegetables, fried, alcohol and coffee, wait at least an hour to go to bed after eating, and sleep A little incorporated.

Swelling and feeling of heaviness in the legs

The increase in blood volume causes an accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the pregnant woman, causing swelling and feeling of heaviness in the feet and legs.

To relieve the swelling you should avoid being many hours standing or sitting, try to walk and raise your legs to facilitate venous return. Edema can descend to ankles and feet, so try to avoid tightening socks and uncomfortable shoes.

Take cold showers on your legs, eat fruit and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Back pain

The back is one of the parts of the body that suffers the most in pregnancy. The distention of the ligaments, caused by the hormone relaxin, and the weight of the gut cause an imbalance in the body posture and pain, sometimes really intense, in the lower back.

If you suffer from back pain, follow these simple tips to prevent it: take care of your posture to avoid damaging your back (for example, when you go down, do it by flexing your knees, not your waist), exercise, wear appropriate footwear (not too high) not too low), massage and apply localized dry heat if necessary.


Even if you have never snored it is possible that by the third trimester of pregnancy you will begin to do so. If you already snored before pregnancy, it is most likely to intensify.

The cause of snoring in pregnancy is the inflammation of the airways that produces a sensation of plugging (even without being constipated) and some difficulty breathing that results in snoring. Also, towards the end of pregnancy, some fat is deposited around the neck and throat, narrowing the airways more.

To relieve snoring in pregnancy it is recommended to avoid caffeine, control weight gain, raise your head slightly when sleeping, sleep on your side or resort to adhesive nasal strips.


The size of the uterus compresses the organs involved in digestion making it slower and heavier. This causes stomach upset, gas and feeling that everything you eat feels bad.

As it is recommended when there is acidity, it is advisable to avoid heavy and heavy meals, take small portions throughout the day, eat slowly and chew foods well. Eat at least one hour before bedtime and sleep semi incoporated.

Restless legs syndrome

It is a frequent disorder towards the end of pregnancy. It is characterized by a leg discomfort while lying, a nuisance that makes them move and constantly change posture preventing rest. You may feel tingling, tightness, burning, cold or pain, both in one and both legs.

To relieve this annoying restless legs disorder it is recommended to improve rest, perform moderate exercise (preferably towards the end of the day) and avoid drinks with caffeine. It is believed that there may be a relationship with the vitamin deficit, but it should be the doctor who indicates in your case the vitamin supplements.

Insomnia in pregnancy

Towards the end of pregnancy, the size of the belly and worries as the time of delivery approaches, it can affect our quality of sleep. The most common causes of insomnia during pregnancy are increased urinary frequency, backaches, gastroesophageal reflux, restless legs syndrome, and baby movements.

If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying at night, there are some tips you can follow to sleep better: try to keep a fixed time to go to bed and get up, avoid stimulating drinks that contain caffeine and theine, as well as carbonated drinks and make physical activity.