How to know if your doctor does not support breastfeeding?

All health professionals say they support breastfeeding. But many of them support it only when things are going well and some not even in those cases. As soon as some difficulty arises in breastfeeding or in the daily life of the new mother, they advise to stop breastfeeding or supplement it.

Dr. Jack Newman is a Canadian pediatrician with recognized authority on breastfeeding issues. To help the moms of their baby patients at their clinic in Toronto, Canada, he has produced brochures on various topics related to breastfeeding. Dr. Newman provides his material freely and free of charge and there are several websites that feature his articles in English.

The following is a partial list of some clues that will help you recognize if a health professional supports breastfeeding or, at least, he supports her enough so that, in case of any problem, he will make an effort to help you continue breastfeeding. How to know if a health professional does not support breastfeeding:

  1. Provide samples or brochures of artificial milk when you are pregnant or when you have had the baby.
  2. He explains that breastfeeding and artificial breastfeeding are essentially the same.
  3. It suggests that the milk of a certain formula is the best.
  4. It tells you that it is not necessary to put the baby immediately after delivery because you will be very tired and often the baby is not interested.
  5. It tells you that there is no confusion of the nipple and that you must give bottles soon to accept it.
  6. It tells you that you should stop breastfeeding because you or your baby are sick, or because you have to take any medication or need to pass a medical test.
  7. He is surprised to learn that you still breastfeed your 6 month old baby.
  8. It tells you that breast milk has no value after 6 months or more.
  9. It tells you that you should never allow the baby to sleep on the chest.
  10. He tells you that you should not stay in the hospital to feed your sick baby because it is important that you rest at home.

Video: Breastfeeding with the Thompson Method (May 2024).