The age of the why?

My son has entered the “why” phase. Why is rice white? Why does the car roll ?, Mom Why do we have to eat? All day he bombards us with his questions overwhelming us on many occasions. If your child is a persevering question you have to be patient and meet this need.

By three or four years the child begins to ask why things. As if he were questioning himself all the time, doubts assail him on different topics of life: from simple everyday actions, through death or sex. It is normal, the child is organizing his world and to understand it he has to ask. Language at this age becomes more abstract and the child is a great conversationalist. When they ask they also do it to feel important, keeping their parents responding all the time. He also discovers the effect of the word "why" when he starts the sentences which he will rehearse on many occasions; part of grammar learning.

We must take a positive attitude to the questions of our children, giving a simple answer to the level of understanding of the child. If your child repeats the question several times to you, it means that he has not understood well, perhaps you should make an easier explanation or illustrate it with a story or example.

If the child asks impertinent questions such as why is the man (with whom you talk) so fat? You should not be angry, the child is sincere and expresses what he is thinking and feeling. Postpone the answer for when you are alone with him and explain that those things are not asked in front of the person. One day my son asked at a dinner: Mom, why does my dad have little hair? My husband turned tomato red in the laughter of the diners.

Another topic are the questions that often seem embarrassing. We should not have prohibited topics. Our attitude to these questions must be open, natural and enriching with simple explanations.

Never leave your child without answers, a negative attitude can have long-term consequences ... I confess that sometimes I am so tired that I respond with an almost sigh "because yes son." I grant myself a zero score.

Video: Why We Age - And How We Can Stop It (July 2024).