Santa Claus has a Blog

"3:30 am: The alarm sounds. I have a cup of coffee. Morning training - I train from Monday to Friday every week (except on vacation). My activities, lists and physical demands of work require me to remain in good shape. In fact, tomorrow I have my physical check-up like every year. I usually get on it the first Monday after Thanksgiving, but since Doc travels home to visit his family in Alaska I we moved to tuesday "...

This paragraph could be the story of the life of a gringo businessman, but no, it is the beginning of the day of Santa Claus who also has his Blog. It tells his busy schedule in preparation for Christmas. According to this bearded Christmas, the demand for toys this year has changed although the teddy bears, the trains, the bikes and the dolls remain, this year there is a mess with the request for non-traditional toys on his list such as the iPod and the XBOX 360 that are gaining ground; whereupon he must meet with Steve Job and Bill Gates to discuss the increase in the allocation of these devices.

Christmas, fun and very Anglo-Saxon Blog. Will the Magi be encouraged to publish their blog?

Video: Santa Claus blog (July 2024).