Dreams and fantasies during pregnancy

The hormonal changes that we suffer during pregnancy, apart from physical symptoms, also produce the appearance of dreams that seem more real than usual. Even these dreams can become nightmares, especially during the last months, when the greatest fears are expressed during the night.

According to the psychologist Rosalina Rodríguez González, “it is very important to keep in mind that having strange dreams during pregnancy is a normal process in which we express our concerns and it is very healthy to have them, although sometimes you worry a little about the content of them "

More recent research has shown that dreams and fantasies during pregnancy, they develop in a more or less constant way during the nine months.

During the first trimester, the future mother still has few fantasies, the imagination is left aside to control the changes and fears of the risk of losing the baby during the most delicate phase of pregnancy. This is a mechanism of self-defense, during the first months and as desired as the pregnancy is, it does not cease to feel ambivalence in front of motherhood.

At second trimester, the pregnancy is already “consolidated” and the baby begins to feel. It is when the fantasies and dreams begin, the imagination starts to fly thinking about how the baby will be, if it will be naughty or calm, who it will look like, etc. The baby's movements act as a stimulus on the imagination of the future mother.

According to experts, in the third trimester, is when the mother has more dreams, hopes, fantasies and fears about how the baby will be. Being in the last days of pregnancy, the desire for the baby to be born healthy and for everything to work out well is very important. It is another form of defense that acts as protection against the possible disappointment that could occur when realizing the difference between imagination and reality.

It is good to discuss with your partner the dreams and fantasies that appear throughout the nine months, no one better than him can help you overcome your fears. Being parents is a wonderful thing that will always bring you moments of happiness, although sometimes there are difficult situations, because news can cause fear and worry, it is still fear of the unknown.

In Babies and more | The distressing dreams of new mothers, rare dreams in pregnancy

Video: What's Up With Your Sex Dreams? Pregnancy Sex Tips. Parents (May 2024).