The boy who doesn't smile

Unfortunately, depression is not only a problem for adults. Sadness is an emotion that all children suffer during development in difficult and negative situations such as parental divorce, failure at school or lack of friends. The low mood of some children can be so intense, frequent and permanent that at the slightest setback they give up and collapse or lose the illusion, even for the most fun and enjoyable things and activities.

The boy who doesn't smile It is a book by Francisco Xavier Méndez, in which it provides strategies to overcome sadness and childhood depression.

The specialist explains why two out of every one hundred children and five out of every one hundred adolescents become depressed, reaching - in the most serious cases - the idea of ​​suicide. It also clearly describes emotional education programs and pleasant activities and cognitive restructuring through practice sheets.

The book discusses the advantages and disadvantages of antidepressant medication and exposes strategies to prevent sadness through concrete guidelines and advice to help children and adolescents enjoy life, feel happy and recover their smile.

Pyramid editions | 288 pages | ISBN 8436812875