Talk to the baby as if he understood us

Communication is essential in the human being, language is vital for a baby to develop properly, motivating him is so important that it must be done from the moment of the baby's birth through all kinds of stimuli. But we would like to talk about oral communication, its importance and the most appropriate way to start it when the baby is already born, because talk to the baby It is recommended since it is in the mother's womb.

When we talk to the baby, it is very important that we are in front of him, close to his face and look into his eyes, we should always talk to him in a leisurely way and with great clarity, you may wonder why, since he still does not understand what he is He tells him and he doesn't see us well either. The answer is simple, the tone of voice is enormously reassuring and soothing, through it, you transmit all your love and love, your well-being and tranquility, everything important for the child to feel happy.

When you talk with your baby it is important to start stimulating him through the tone of voice, changing your intonation helps to stimulate him, this is also another form of communication that is associated with speech and that greatly helps the baby for its language development. Everything influences when it comes to helping you understand and develop both your intellect and your ability to speak, when you speak to him, he tries to pronounce all the letters well, this will capture his attention and will be fixed on how we speak and how we move it to be able to articulate words.

The interaction between you and your baby is very important, you must always respond to their laughter or babbling, with enthusiasm, so you will further stimulate their desire to learn to communicate, and when they start to say their first syllables, ga-ga, ta- ta, etc, you should try to make sense and pronounce out loud what he refers to, for example if it is a duckling that says pronouncing the monosyllables, help him and teach him the word, duckling.

You must pay attention to him when he speaks to you, look him in the face and above all give him much love and love. Not only will the language develop its feelings and its happiness.

Video: DaBaby Baby Jesus - NEXT SONG Official Video (May 2024).