Increase the period of maternity leave in Spain

The study "Reconciliation of family and work life for the benefit of children", proposes increase the period of maternity leave in Spain, which is currently 16 weeks, up to a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 26 weeks.

They also enter their proposals to add 4 more weeks in case of multiple births for each child and from the second, in addition to implementing more flexible schedules at work.

Experts propose to encourage companies that install childcare centers and hire women who want to re-enter the labor market after having remained in the care of their children while they were young. They have not forgotten that on a reduced day, the salary is also reduced, so they promote financial assistance to parents who use the leave or the reduction of the working day to care for children under 3 years.

Spain has the shortest maternity leave period compared to the surrounding countries. In the United Kingdom they have 26 weeks paid, in Norway 42 weeks paid and in France the decrease increases from 16 to 34 weeks in case of having twins and 46 if they are triplets.

These differences are what have led to the study of increasing maternity leave in our country. If approved, we would have a more compatible life between work and family life.

Video: How to get back to work after a career break. Carol Fishman Cohen (May 2024).