Childbirth according to your constitution

Depending on your constitution, be tall, short, thick or thin, your previous lifestyle and even race, childbirth will develop differently.

Depending on the race you are, the birth is different, since there are anatomical differences between the different ethnicities. According to studies, a South Asian woman is, for example, more likely to suffer from gestational diabetes. If your origin is from East Africa, the pelvis is different, somewhat more inclined and this causes the baby to find it harder to fit into the pelvic cavity.

Each race has its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, although this is not a reason for the child not to be healthy, they are simply small anatomical changes that cause a slight change in the outcome of birth. If your constitution is obese, it can complicate the development of pregnancy and childbirth a bit. On other occasions we have talked about the problem of obesity, how it affects your health, it also makes it difficult for doctors to work, for example, when taking ultrasound images of the uterus, childbirth is much longer and some more complications may appear .

On the contrary, if you are a woman who has been a sports lover and you are athletic, you should leave some practice or sports a little out of the way, but being athletic promotes a better birth due to your optimal state of the organism. The height also plays its role, being short there is a slight disadvantage in the face of childbirth and it is even necessary the help of doctors to give birth. Statistics reveal that the number of caesarean sections is three times higher in a short woman than in a tall woman. Although this does not mean that you have complications with certainty.

Everything influences pregnancy, any disease prior to it too, the delivery can be cesarean if you had a fibroid before or if you had a gynecological operation.

Anyway, whatever race, constitution, health, etc., the most important thing is to have a happy outcome and that the child is born healthy, either through a normal birth or by caesarean section.

Video: American History - Part 019 - Birth of the Constitution - Part 5 - Big State vs Small State (July 2024).