Children's Breakfast Habits

A conclusive report prepared by the Idea Sana Observatory of Eroski with the name Children's Breakfast Habits, reflects the lack of essential ingredients in breakfast for proper nutrition, such as fruits, whether they are in pieces or liquefied in juice.

To prepare this report, they took 400 surveys from which the following data are derived, 24% of the respondents said that the child decides what breakfast to take, something that parents should not consent to, since they are the ones who truly know what they It is convenient to take a child. It is unfortunate that attitude taken by no less than 70% of children between the ages of 11 and 13.

On the other hand, some bad habits and some bad eating behaviors are reflected, such as having breakfast alone, up to 25% of children are not accompanied at this time of day. You have to have a cure for what a child eats and you can only ensure being an adult with him, it is also better to share those moments, as they enhance sociability and family ties are strengthened. It also follows that 46% of children have breakfast watching TV, in some cases, television seems to be the core of the child. We must also comment on the importance of time, there are children who spend less than 5 minutes to take the first foods of the day and those that are most important, few nutrients are ingested at that time and more if you are entertained with something. Many times you have breakfast anything and this is a mistake, the body has been several hours without receiving any energy dose and prepares to start the day. An adequate energy contribution at breakfast is essential and this should constitute up to 30% of daily needs.

Lunch is also essential, children are in the development phase, up to 26% of respondents do not take anything to drink in the middle of the morning. Failing that, other children take sweets and pastries that favor obesity and the lack of essential nutrients in their body, instead of a consistent snack prepared by the mother. You just have to check the importance of bread in the child's diet to see how necessary it is.

The report concludes with the following statistics, most children eat breakfast too quickly, abuse the pastries and cookies to the detriment of the fruit. It is certainly a suspense for parents, although it should also be noted that dairy consumption has increased and the habit of having a family breakfast, which means that it is on the right track, although it is nevertheless necessary to improve the nutritional habits of breakfast to ensure proper development and a much healthier life.