Children's toys have an expiration date

Each toy is suitable for a certain age regardless of the child's abilities. It is necessary to respect the evolutionary line of children to ensure adequate mental development.

A child can be very intelligent and we can think that it would be advisable to buy a toy that is aimed at older children, but in this situation experts always recommend that children learn and have fun with toys appropriate to the age and stage of development of the child. A toy that does not correspond to its development phase can cause boredom and even frustration.

Parents should not feel guilty if, due to external circumstances such as work, they cannot play more than half an hour with their children. The important thing is that the time spent with them is full and of quality. Your son has a room full of toys, this is a fact caused many times by parents, the habit of storing all toys even though they are no longer suitable for their age is a mistake. Like clothes, toys that are in the room should be consistent with their stage of development. The rest only takes up space and are unnecessary.

If a child is accustomed to always play with the same toy and in the same way, it is normal, all the toys that induce a repetition foster the child's safety by providing him with greater confidence in himself.

The development of our children is a continuous process that begins at conception and ends at maturity. The recreational activity begins when the baby is about three months, from this moment, it is necessary to enhance cognitive development always appropriate to the age it presents.