A dance is marked in the hospital corridor to help your baby be born

Although many pregnant women in what they think least at that time is to mark a few steps, dancing is highly recommended to help induce labor naturally. The movements of the mother help the baby to be placed and with its own weight, help soften the cervix to cause birth.

It's what Alicia Exantuz did, who decided get dancing to help your baby be born in a labor that would last 30 hours. As her baby seemed in no hurry to be born, she danced into the hospital corridor to dance a choreography joined by her husband, Miller, and the nurses at the center.

It happened last Friday at the Manatee Memorial Hospital in Florida (United States) where Alicia finally gave birth to her first child. In publishing the video, he thanked the nurses:

"I must say that these women are truly superheroes and made this experience an incredible experience."

The dance to promote childbirth

It is not the first time we see pregnant women having a dance in the hospital to promote childbirth. We also saw it with this pregnant woman dancing the Dura Challenge and the most famous, that of this other woman who dances a choreography with the obstetrician.

And it is that in addition to contributing to the softening of the cervix, the dance also helps reduce stress and mitigate the pain of contractions, by releasing endorphins and dopamine in the body. So you know, if your body asks you, do not hesitate to mark a few steps.

Alicia's video has gone viral with more than 87 thousand visits and has even been published in local media.

Video: DIARY OF A U-BOAT COMMANDER - FULL AudioBook. Greatest Audio Books (May 2024).