Billings method to get pregnant

He billings method It is used to determine Fertility and infertility phases through vaginal secretionsIn this method certain rules apply, three until the moment in which the woman begins to ovulate and serve to recognize which is the day that presents maximum fertility.

A study prepared by the Fertility Consultation of the Hospital de la Paz, indicates that natural fertility methods reach an effectiveness of up to 31.4%. This figure is considered very effective, managing to combine a low cost of treatment with effectiveness.

The midwife and anthropologist Isabel Valdés de la Colina, belonging to this center, tells us the two methods used and why they are suitable to achieve the desired objective. Thanks to Billings or Syntothermal methods, a couple manages to recognize which days are the most fertile and how to take advantage of them to achieve pregnancy.

The Billings method and temperature

He billings method, is used to know the day of maximum fertility through the temperature that occurs in the woman's body after ovulation. You have to use a thermometer with which we can check exactly the tenths, in fact a simple change of 2 or 3 tenths is essential to capture ovulation.

The temperature It begins to be controlled once the menstrual period ends and is controlled every day until the menstrual cycle begins again, but remember that it is necessary to take the temperature through the mouth, since it is much more reliable than the underarms or the english You have to do it at the same time and preferably in the morning, all these data should be noted and you can now draw a graph to check which days you exceed two tenths and this rise is maintained for at least three days. The highest temperature is associated with ovulation.

The natural fertility techniques They are the first option that should be used. Anyway, the specialist is the most suitable to teach you how to properly perform this type of control techniques.

If you want to know more about this method, nothing better than to access the World Organization of the Billings Ovulation Method.

Video: Audio-Visual Presentation of the Billings Ovulation Method (May 2024).