Breastfeeding reduces the risk of stroke in the mother

Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for babies, but there is increasing evidence that it can also reduce the risk of stroke in postmenopausal women who reported breastfeeding at least one child, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death among women 65 and older, and is the third leading cause of death among Hispanic and black women 65 and older, according to the study.

"Some studies have reported that breastfeeding may reduce breast cancer, ovarian cancer and risk of developing type 2 diabetes in mothers. Recent findings point to the benefits of breastfeeding on heart disease and other factors of specific cardiovascular risk, "said Lisette T. Jacobson, Ph.D., MPA, MA, lead author of the study and assistant professor in the department of preventive medicine and public health at the University of Kansas-Wichita School of Medicine.

The researchers analyzed data from 80,191 participants in the observational study Women's Health Initiative, a large ongoing national study that has tracked the medical events and health habits of postmenopausal women recruited between 1993 and 1998.

All the women in this analysis had hador one or more children and 58 percent reported having ever breastfed. Among these women, 51 percent breastfed for one-six months, 22 percent for seven-12 months, and 27 percent for 13 or more months. At the time of hiring, the average age was 63.7 years and the follow-up period was 12.6 years.

Publicity Breastfeeding was associated with a lower risk of stroke in postmenopausal women who reported that they were breastfeeding at least one child.

Reduce risk by 23 percent

After adjusting the risk factors for non-modifiable stroke (such as age and family history), the researchers found that the risk of stroke among women who breastfed their babies was, on average:

  • 23 percent lower in all women,
  • 48 percent lower in black women,
  • 32 percent lower in Hispanic women,
  • 21 percent lower in white women, and
  • 19 percent lower in women who had breastfed for up to six months. Longer breastfeeding duration was related to a greater risk reduction.
The association between breastfeeding and the lower risk of stroke was stronger in women who breastfed for more than six months and for black women.

"Breastfeeding is just one of many factors that could protect against stroke. Others include exercising properly, choosing healthy foods, not smoking, and seeking treatment if necessary to maintain blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. in the normal range, "said Jacobson.

It is not the first time that breastfeeding is associated with cardiovascular health. An earlier study conducted with 300,000 female girls also concluded that women who breastfeed would have a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Video: Breastfeeding could lower moms risk of heart disease, stroke, study says (July 2024).