Therapeutic art: the painted walls of La Paz Children's Hospital

Children hospitalized in the pediatric unit of La Paz, now smile when they see the walls full of drawings that tell stories where before there were only cold white walls.

That is the mission of the Swiss foundation Paint a Smile, whose small brush-in-hand army has painted the walls of several hospitals in Europe and has just decorated those of the Madrid hospital within an innovative project of therapeutic art.

Logically, the painted walls not only have a decorative intention, but they also try to reduce anxiety through decoration and color to create a cozy atmosphere that helps reduce the stress of the children admitted.

I have been able to see the work finished in the news and really the drawings are beautiful, they are made with very warm colors, which convey a very pleasant feeling.

The paintings on each floor tell a different story, which stimulates the imagination of the little ones who are distracted and forget for a while that they are in a hospital.

In one of the plants you can see a drawing that includes animal characters of different nationalities that represent cultural diversity. So, in addition to beautiful and therapeutic, the paintings also instill values.

All initiatives aimed at making children stay in a hospital more bearable are very commendable.

They are a kind of remedy for the soul, because these kinds of things raise the mood of the little ones, and that is essential for their speedy recovery.