Children's massage forum in Santiago

Tomorrow Thursday, at 3:30 p.m. Prenatal store on Doctor Teixero Street in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) the psychologist Cristina Crego will give a forum to teach moms the technique of infant massage, the communication through touch and the stimulation that the mother provides to her baby collaborates in a satisfactory development for both, but we have already spoken to you on several occasions of the benefits of baby massages, which you can remember by accessing through this link.

In addition to the theoretical explanations, the psychologist will make a practical demonstration emphasizing the massage that relieves the colic of the infant, one of the most requested by parents. Unfortunately the capacity is for 70 people and it is already covered, but given the success it has been having, if you approach Prenatal you will be able to know new dates to attend the children's massage forum, the benefits will be so many for your baby and for you, that It will become a daily activity.

If you want to know some details that Cristina Crego offers us to massage our baby at home, we provide them to you.

The room must be at a suitable temperature so that the baby is not cold or hot, thinks it should be without clothes. It is also recommended that there are not too many stimuli that distract the baby, no noise, strong smells, better very soft, relaxing and communicative music or quiet and comforting silence.