Armani Junior campaign, not only tell your point of view

In Babies and more we were talking about the controversial campaign of Armani Junior, the response has been seen both in the comments of this blog and in all the media, but for or against, the subject not only should it be based on how this advertising campaign affects “the eyes with which society looks at it”. We must not overlook the impact it can have on girls who participate in them, because they can be serious and dangerous.

Eating disorders that lead to anorexia and bulimia, states of anxiety and depression and some other consequences can be suffered by girls participating in these types of campaigns. To acquire greater knowledge about the serious problem created by the eroticizing tendency in the ads in which girls intervene, nothing better than reading the report that the experts of the American Psychology Association have prepared, this trend already has a name, “early sexualization of the childhood".

The description is still correct, in which external agents collaborate, starting with children's fashion that is already the same as that which an adult woman can wear (the difference is that she recognizes the sensual attributes that can enhance her), like the dolls they dress as "modern little women and cute", and what to say about certain cartoons. The value of girls is aimed at aesthetics, ignoring other aspects of the personality, in addition, they leave childhood early, losing the gradual development that will grant maturity, physical, psychological and social maturation must go together, but only anticipates physics, what other triggers have. According to the report, in the last 20 years, the interests of girls have gone from wanting to get their studies to want to enhance their physical appearance, the fact of not achieving their purpose creates dissatisfaction and this can be accompanied by complexes and psychic disorders and food we know, which unfortunately today also abound at an increasingly early age, the average age of its development is already around nine years.

Anticipating adult physical life with incomplete maturity potentially anticipates the problems of adults.

As parents, we have a lot to do and say, it is not necessary to dress our daughters in frilly dresses, but they do not need to go with tight miniskirts or showing their navel, the feminine charms are old.

Remember that girls are girls and have a future, you don't have to worry only about how they show themselves to society and how they look at each other, it is not necessary to feel “honest” saying that others have a sick mind for not simply seeing to some girls in summer clothes, it seems that the news is not seen nor does it want to recognize that in the world there are other people with other minds that thanks to an advertising image can lead them to commit a crime.

We recommend you read the supplement published by El Mundo, The eroticization of childhood causes physical and psychic disorders in the medium and long term.