Serous otitis media related to obesity

A few days ago we met the results of an investigation that revealed that obesity causes 50% more chances of suffering from asthma, although this was the last study we knew about the problems that obesity triggers, it is not the only one we know, and what worse, add some more.

The Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery publishes a study that shows that Childhood obesity may be associated with serous or suppurative otitis media.

After studying 155 children aged between 2 and 7 years who were treated with ventilation tubes to alleviate this type of otitis and comparing them with 118 children who had not suffered from it, they found those suffering from serous otitis media had a higher rate of body mass. According to Ascensión Marcos, president of the Spanish Nutrition Society and director of the Immunonutrition Group of the Department of Metabolism and Nutrition of the Cold Institute of the Higher Center for Scientific Research, "most of the time in obesity inflammatory processes develop because the immune system is damaged, because there is malnutrition, and there are a greater number of infections such as allergies or otitis. "

Although until now there has always been more research on cardiovascular problems that can develop overweight or obesity, allergies are becoming more frequent among obese children, specialists say so, it is necessary to conduct more studies that respond to mentioned relationships.

Video: Brain leak: Man finds liquid seeping out of his ear, doctors say its brain fluid - TomoNews (May 2024).