New playgrounds in towns and cities

The growth of towns and cities has been impressive in recent years, especially in terms of housing, shopping centers, industrial estates, etc. In the background have always been the green areas or public spaces for children.

Current generations can not enjoy as we did children, playing outdoors was usual, today there is little space and much danger in the street, which encourages children to stay at home or do activities in closed centers.

The town hall of Castellón wants to promote public spaces, for which you have submitted a project in which will create 36 playgrounds in all districts so that children in any neighborhood have an outdoor space to take advantage of the good weather and where to meet other children. They also want to introduce games in which they can participate as a family. These new playgrounds will be built with safe and resistant materials, in which to develop children's psychomotor skills, enhance their imagination and enjoy their own games. They will be complemented with activities to encourage reading and storytelling among others.

A good initiative that should be valued at the national level, should not forget that children are the future and adequate and satisfactory growth will form people more grateful to the environment, which must be taken care of.

Video: Mattel play town Dubai. Fun for children. Dubai playgrounds (July 2024).